Finding living relatives who share your ancestors is a great way to increase your knowledge of your family tree, and there are three important reasons to make use of the unique LostCousins approach: accuracy, confidentiality, and efficiency.

Accuracy is paramount, because if you make a mistake on your family tree you could ernd up researching someone else's ancestors instead of your own.

Confidentiality might not seem important to you right now, but ask anyone whose research has been misused and you'll realise how important it is that your information is only shared with people you select, rather than published for all to see.

Efficiency is all about saving you time and effort - at LostCousins you can repeat all of your searches by clicking one button!

LostCousins works differently - and here's why...

When you make a telephone call you dial a precise number - you know that if even one digit is wrong you won't get through to the right person - and researching your ancestors requires similar precision.

Bringing this level of accuracy to family history requires a different approach, and the solution that LostCousins came up with is to use information from published censuses as a way of matching members who share the same ancestors. It's a very simple system, but one that has proven to be virtually 100% accurate!

To find out precisely how LostCousins works visit the page for new members - click Read this first
Ancestry UK